About Us
Sri Hemkunt Foundation was founded in 1980 in New York. It was established by 11 dedicated visionaries who observed that the Sikh youth living in the Western countries lacked knowledge regarding the high ideals of their religion and were therefore losing their Sikh identity.…

Here you will find the results of previous Speech and Keertan Darbar competitions that are held every year.

International Symposium Videos
Here you will find pictures and videos from previous events.

Topics of Teaching Gurmukhi
Traditionally, the 35 alphabets of the Gurmukhi script are arranged with similar sounds next to each other. It is the easiest way of learning the script if the student’s mother tongue is Punjabi. However, if the mother tongue is English,…

Here you will find answers to the frequently asked questions around topics of symposium, books. guest speakers, judges, and zones.